Who we are
Minnesota CD5 Republicans
Shared values and the desire for more and better educational choices and economic opportunities are what make us strong. When we all participate, we make our voices heard.
The Republican Party of Minnesota welcomes all Minnesotans who are concerned with the implementation of honest, efficient, responsive government. Get to know what Republicans stand for and our history at GOP.com.
The 5th Congressional District has 221 voting precincts within its 12 separate Senate and House Districts (otherwise known as Basic Political Organizational Units or BPOUs). Find your Senate and House District here.
Deputy Chair: Ϻitch Ꭱossow
Secretary: Barry Johnson
Treasurer: Tim Kirk

Our Principles
We support lowering the tax burden, exercising spending restraint, and creating and maintaining a fair, honest and competitive business environment to promote economic prosperity and once again make Minnesota the economic engine of the Upper Midwest.
We support defending the right to life, protecting religious, political and economic liberties, and respecting personal privacy and property to preserve civil rights and ensure that government treats all of its citizens equally under the law.
We support the belief that parents are responsible for their children’s education and that parents, teachers and local school boards can make the best decisions about our children’s education.
We recognize the blessings that God has bestowed on this great Nation. We also recognize the sanctity of human life and the central role of the traditional family in our society. We work to defend those values in order to strengthen our families and communities.
We believe that the most fundamental function of government is to keep citizens and our property secure.
We support limiting the power of attorneys and frivolous lawsuits, increasing the responsibility of the jury, protecting judicial elections and holding judges accountable to strengthen the rule of law and prevent abuse of our legal system.
We believe that proper stewardship of our natural resources and agricultural lands is best achieved through sound science and adherence to constitutionally guaranteed property rights.
We support keeping government functions in state, local or private hands, electing honest and responsive legislative bodies and advocating for fair election processes to make government smaller and better.
We believe that we can maintain peace by having a strong national defense, securing our borders and by encouraging all people to seek freedom, democracy and free enterprise.

Population: 727,716
Census data: ACS 2021 1-year unless noted